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[#86513] Written by: Figgity [01/04/2008, 03:48]
Quote by ericff
of course it is real. eztv never up fake files.

Quote by tvfan
the only fools are the ones who think eztv would post a fake.

eztv does not do fakes.


[#86514] Written by: budster [01/04/2008, 04:02]
lool, nicely done eztv...
choose the one show that will get most downloads then screw it right up. was
actually quite funny.
guys its april fools.. learn to take a joke. let them have the one day to mess
with us, they provide us with good stuff all the other days.
my credit to whoever thought this out.. brilliant!
[#86515] Written by: ilovemrdoe [01/04/2008, 04:21]
omg i can't believe it! such an awesome cliffhanger, can't wait for episode 10!!!
[#86517] Written by: Sigh [01/04/2008, 04:25]
sigh, this wasn't funny - no clues and now we're out 350mb of our download
limit. sure we can all spare it but we ration our downloads and this waste of
time puts us out an episode of something else...
[#86521] Written by: RT42 [01/04/2008, 04:58]
i for one have used this site to garner 100's of hours of free, up to the
minute, pain-free downloads and never once had to worry about pissing about with
cabinet files, player conflicts or fakes.

all this thanks to the the efforts of those at eztv.

to be honest i think one prank per blue moon shouldn't really be considered a
blemish on such sterling work.

oh, and to tvfan et al (sorry you don't do latin, do you?)
et al means, and i'm paraphrasing here, the rest of you whiney little bitches
wind your fucking necks in!

ok, so you took one up the arse. it's april fools, let it go for fucks sake!

mmmmm, popcorn.
[#86522] Written by: zero1666 [01/04/2008, 05:07]
Quote by fargarkler
april fools!!!!!
its an episode of flavour of love.
eztv you have lost your reputation as being the best!!!! with no false or fake
i want my bandwidth back!!!!!!!!
what a waste.

you got totally owned paul!
[#86524] Written by: dallama [01/04/2008, 05:15]
april foolzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eztv still rox
[#86526] Written by: eztvretard [01/04/2008, 05:24]
you fucking retards.. get your website + webserver config right, then you morons might be able to make
jokes like that. i always get the shits and giggles when i see the foreach error for the series when it can't
query the db. that's the april's joke. retards
[#86528] Written by: RT42 [01/04/2008, 05:35]
why would any db contain the details of a known fake.

the episode does not currently exist, get it?

eztvretard, pretty much says it all really.
[#86529] Written by: I.LOVE.EZTV [01/04/2008, 05:35]
happy april fools day

nice one eztv

do it again ,lol

thanx 4m saudi arabia

eztv rocks !!!
[#86530] Written by: pseudoschizo [01/04/2008, 05:38]
heh, you guys suck.

i awake this morning, saunter over to the ol' computer box, and flick on the
monitor. what's this utorrent? you've automatically downloaded a pre-air
screener of lost??! "what a good little utorrent." i say, gently stroking the

i move the episode into the correct folder on my media server, fire up the media
client in the living room and plop down on the couch. "previously.. on
'lost'..." the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. this, was going to
be epic.

then, disappointment. "what the hell is this crap?" i say aloud, desperately
trying to come up with an explanation for the wretched abomination that has
taken over my television screen.

i was at the apex of my frustration. face red, knuckles white. breathing only
in short, shallow breaths i stomp over to the media server and type in my
password as angrily as i can muster. not only did i delete it, i made three
copies so i could delete it over and over. (and over.)

each successive deletion felt better than the last. i could get through this.
as i was zeroing the free space on that drive to make sure it could never be
retrieved, it hit me. it was that day. that obscure, ridiculous, downright
silly day where the internet prays on fools. april fools.

just then i started to howl with laughter. tears burned down my face. i was
made an april fool.

i started to plan my retaliation..
[#86532] Written by: pseudoschizo [01/04/2008, 05:40]
oh, by the way. absolutely none of that happened. hell, i'm still up from last

nice gag, cheers.

[#86527] Written by: merlin [01/04/2008, 05:40]
oldest trick on the book and the easiest one to spot today. oh wait, in all
fairness, the guy who posted a workprint of indy 4
(indiana.jones.and.the.kingdom.of.the.crystal.skull.workprint.xvid-nogrp) was
even easier! :d

ok, i admit it, it's not funny at all for ppl who have to struggle with ratios
(been there, mates), so here's a piece of advice for the future: just set your
torrent client to download the start and finish of files first (on utorrent, for
instance, go to options>preferences>advanced and set bt.prio_first_last_piece to
true), then use vlc to preview the files. you won't have to waste so much.

cheers from portugal and keep your spirits up!
[#86533] Written by: pharmacopaeia [01/04/2008, 05:47]
flavor of love, bleugh. i was hoping for a rick astley doco.
[#86537] Written by: thepiedpiper [01/04/2008, 05:59]
yeah, i was had too. but it was funny. and for a minute i was like, "hmm this
could really be it!!!" what a sad man i am. anyways, good work eztv, you got me.
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