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   How many prerelease show will be?



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[#48557] Written by: touchmymully [30/07/2007, 10:09]
Quote by imzadi
how many pre-airs does a season make? 4 eps of weeds? at 12 eps
per season,
that 1/3 gone already...

still, all good keep 'em coming!

i thought that was a little much, i think imo, one ep is enough. because if
you're a regular fan of a series, which i am, already being four eps in when
the season finally starts, means that you still have to wait five weeks to be
back on track with the series. i decided when the pre-airs of weeds came up,
that i wouldn't download them, since the season star was only a couple of
weeks away. most all of the other preairs have atleast a month or more befor
they start, so it wasn't so bad.

i think that four preairs (as much as i appreciate them) is a little
overkilling it. you want to spark interest, but as you said, releasing 1/3 of
the season 3 weeks before it starts......

they must not think the first two episodes aren't strong enough to attract new
viewers (or keep old ones). someone on another post said that they thought
(after watching those four preairs) that they should scrap the season that's
in the can, and rewrite and reshoot. i'm hoping that that person was just a
little over-critical of what he has watched and not "dead on the money".

i have seen some people that have bashed some really great shows (to the point
of absurdity). i have come to realize that you must take all critiques here
with a grain of salt. there are sooooo many different tastes.
like i can't understand how people can have anything good to say about
anything that's on the cw, but that's just me.

[#48597] Written by: touchmymully [30/07/2007, 12:57]
Quote by aydin1954
i agree i decided not to get and watch the ones for the shows
i watch like
dexter but wait for the regular season and watch instead the pilots for new
shows that kinda of tickled my fancy.

however, a very big fan of dexter, i couldn't wait on those eps, which won't
air until the end of sept. i actually have showtime now, just because i think
as far as tv series go, they're on the top of the hill now. hbo can't really
hold a candle to showtime's "envelope pushing" tv series.
i also was in the middle of watching the first season of brotherhood, so i
didn't watch the preairs of that either (however as a big fan of the sopranos,
brotherhood did in one season, what the sopranos failed to do in six).
brotherhood, which i netflixed, is an amazing show, that people rally have to
get into. it honestly took me two times trying to watch it to get me hooked.

(disclaimer: i had downloaded the whole first season, watched one episode,
didn't have enough time to watch the others, so i deleted it. saw it on
netflix, ordered it and couldn't put it away)

i'm eager to see what showtime has in development, i'm sure they're going to
take the lead farther.

[#48853] Written by: cchance [31/07/2007, 15:51]
i soooooo hope that we see house prerelease s4
[#49180] Written by: Herra [02/08/2007, 06:39]
i usually stay away from preairs because of the waiting time between them and
the actual season start. i rather live without the show through the whole season
break than watch one or two episodes of preair in the middle.
[#49193] Written by: drib [02/08/2007, 09:12]
Quote by herra
i usually stay away from preairs because of the waiting time
between them and
the actual season start. i rather live without the show through the whole
break than watch one or two episodes of preair in the middle.

personally, i think the pre-airs are a "booster shot". without them, you have
a longer wait for the start of the season. for me, they are a quick preview of
a show that you enjoy, starting a new season (like dexter for me...seeing two
new episodes was the best way to start your day!)or to determine if a new show
is "your cup of tea" or not worth watching at all.

one other point...when the seasons start, they normally cram all the best
shows into the same time slot on the same night (at least it seems so) so i
end up downloading them anyways to be sure to see all i enjoy. if over the
course of the summer i've watched a pre-air that i didn't like, i simply avoid
that show.

everyone is different obviously. i've also got my girlfriend hopelessly
addicted to dexter now too, but she refuses to watch the pre-airs because
she'd rather watch an entire season without interruptions as she did with
season one. i think the pre-airs do give us a wonderful opportunity to choose
tho (and feed our addictions...hehehee)
[#49215] Written by: lucioc [02/08/2007, 13:01]
i've been enjoying these pre-airs. so thanks to those responsible for making the shows available.

the one pre-air that i would like to see, but have been unable to locate, is "journeyman".
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