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[#42311] Written by: super12 [22/06/2007, 19:24]
[#50325] Written by: vankis [09/08/2007, 15:41]
Quote by boggibill
i might have set the timeout values for the cookies a bit low,
i don't remeber i
will have a look at it later. now i got more important things to do. just be

1,5 month after that post i'm still waiting... to be honest the torrents is the
only good thing about this site. it doesn't work very good, it doesn't look very
good, it uses some strange very poor forum script when there are lots of free
good ones to chose from, but atleast the torrents are the best!
[#50334] Written by: vankis [09/08/2007, 17:24]
Quote by imzadi
as eztv torrents are available from other places, might i suggest
not coming

ungrateful fothermucker...

admins have a life too...

thanks eztv, you guys are great

thanks i'm sure that will fix the problem. btw was it you or the bad forum
script that managed to screw up that quote?
[#50336] Written by: God [09/08/2007, 17:32]
why are you even here vankis?
[#50337] Written by: vankis [09/08/2007, 17:48]
Quote by god
why are you even here vankis?

well sorry i know something about webdesign and understand how much better this
site could be. sorry i don't think everything is great here and i don't kiss
admins ass. but i can't remember reading anywhere that i have to love everything
and kiss ass when i registered here.
[#50466] Written by: vankis [10/08/2007, 16:33]
Quote by imzadi

nobody said you had to kiss ass, but you could show some respect for the
people that provide this free service. also, feel free to offer constructive
advice, but do it in the right way.

since i don\'t have ftp access to the site it\'s kind of hard to say something
more contructive than fix it about the login problem.
about the bad forum, take a look at phpbb.com, punbb.org or
google.com/search?q=free+forum and you find lots of forums better than this one.
as for the looks, i guess its a matter of taste and if you think this looks good
i can live with it as long as the other stuff gets fixed.
no i don't really respect the people that is working on the site, but i
respect the ones providing the great content for it.

and one last thing, did you screw up the quote on purpose the second time or are
you or the forum really that bad?
[#50470] Written by: CTU_Bauer [10/08/2007, 16:57]
Quote by vankis
blah blah blah blah

get outta here, asshole. don't like the forum? don't use it. get your free tv
and leave. no one cares about what you say or think.

[#50483] Written by: vankis [10/08/2007, 18:48]
Quote by ctu_bauer

get outta here, asshole. don't like the forum? don't use it. get your free tv
and leave. no one cares about what you say or think.

you are right, no point wasting time tryin to explain stuff to 5 year olds. i'll
just keep downloading the best torrents from the worst site and leave it at that.
[#50489] Written by: kurai [10/08/2007, 20:00]
Quote by vankis

typical web designer type - obsessed with form over content.

[#50573] Written by: darkmind [11/08/2007, 13:32]
back on topic, its only just started to remember me too, or rather i've only just noticed it doing over the
past week or so, i was never overly concerned with it. i use safari and now it doesn't remember me when i
first come on site to the main page, but once i clicky on forum i get signed in and my css changes over to
ctu style which i picked. so all in all i'm quite happy, i'll start using 'my page' a bit more now
[#50606] Written by: NovaKing (Administrator) [11/08/2007, 18:59]
i would also suggest clearing your cookie cache as sometimes bogus data can get
recorded making the cookie somewhat invalid and not work as planned. the way the
login works has changed from what it used to be, so having old cookie data may
play an effect on it.

i would suggest that, if issues still occur let us know. i think we have made
the cookies last 1 month, but every time you visit the site, that time-out keeps
resetting, so if you are a frequent visitor you should not notice anything.
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