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[#145264] Written by: thirstylunch [30/10/2010, 18:35]
hi thanks for the great site i use it daily. i know this is probably not the place to ask but is
there any chance of adding bbc match of the day to the show list? thanks thirsty
[#145268] Written by: ViciousCritic [30/10/2010, 19:05]
i own the eztv.co domain. it not currently doing anything other than pointing somewhere unrelated. i would
be happy to provide a mirror if would help
[#145269] Written by: Xanshea [30/10/2010, 19:09]
thanks for the wonderful site, i would be lost without my tv show fix

even with the site down every now and then makes no difference, i know it will be back. just a shame
you get muppets out there trying to ruin things as they have nothing better to do with their time.

thanks for the info and thanks again for the site.
[#145289] Written by: rightintothebumper [30/10/2010, 23:24]
i think you have a problem with torrents uploaded by fqm - they silently install pando networks
(undetected by comodo internet security btw..) and some kind of virus that makes dllhost.exe run
continuously (and restarts when you stop it).

this happened with the latest south park a few days ago, i uninstalled the pando installation and
scanned my pc and found no virus but still get the same behaviour from dllhost.exe and cannot fix it.

then i downloaded the latest big bang theory just to test a different fqm download and same thing -
it installed a pando networks folder...

whats the deelio here?

and how do i repair dllhost?

btw thanks for an otherwise great service.
[#145304] Written by: toxiqrox [31/10/2010, 06:20]
i am not sure if this is the correct way to post or let people know things, but i got a message from my
isp from an administrator telling me that i illegally downloaded copyright content, this was the dexter
episodes. is this something that needs to be addressed or am i just the unlucky one they have decided
to target?
[#145319] Written by: sCifI3001 [31/10/2010, 14:29]
Quote by toxiqrox
i am not sure if this is the correct way to post or let people know things, but i
got a message from my
isp from an administrator telling me that i illegally downloaded copyright content, this was the dexter
episodes. is this something that needs to be addressed or am i just the unlucky one they have decided
to target?

google peerblock
[#145335] Written by: esign [31/10/2010, 22:16]
this may be nothing, and probably is. thinking it best to register only once, i haven't been able to
check if this is a frequent problem. however, unless i've recently lost my mind, 9+7=16. i'm hoping
your anti-bot is wrong, as it disagreed with my best mathematical efforts. it would be a shame if
9+7 turned out to be something else...

i'm pretty sure you're on the wrong track.
1: a torrent can't install anything.
2: unless you're using a seriously screwed up media player that i haven't heard of (of course, i
don't just ignore obvious malware, and so wouldn't necessarily), your media player won't let a video
file, however infected, run active content.
3: no reputable video player will install anything of it's own accord without asking your
permission, and then usually only completely benign updates.
4: fqm is a reputable release group. don't malign them.
5 : pando networks isn't virus, nor is it malware. it doesn't install without consent, and it
uninstalls completely. it's a secure peer assisted cloud distribution system for streaming and
downloading large content files (essentially a form of p2p favored by content owners).
6: i've downloaded the same torrents, and suffered no ill effects. reading your post, i double checked.

here are some possible, partial explanations to your problem, though neither fits all the "symptoms":
- pando networks may be included with some media players, though with reputable players this won't
happen secretly. if you uninstall pando, the players may ask you to reinstall it at some point. if
you click without reading, pando might be installed without you knowing. that's your own fault,
though, and both fqm and pando are innocent of it.
- there is a chance that some malware has disguised itself as pando. this has been known to happen.
i can't tell you what the malware is, nor what causes it to reinstall itself, but, whatever it is,
it's not the fqm torrents. look for other culprits. i hope you find a solution to your problem.
[#145347] Written by: hanz29 [01/11/2010, 00:50]
good job... but i notice some of episode has late upload... but anyway thanks
[#145357] Written by: funtvguy [01/11/2010, 02:21]
hi! loyal user for some time now, but the last month or two, i have had troubles. i can dl the
torrent. i can connect and start downloading, but as i dl, my dl speed gets going pretty good
and then the torrent completely disappears from my vuze screen after 15 seconds or so and i
have an empty file in my shared folder. this only happens when i use my favorite torrents from
eztv. can't find any similar stories online either. what gives???
[#145392] Written by: rightintothebumper [01/11/2010, 11:01]
thanks for checking those torrents esign, actually it's the avis themselves that are installing pando.

i've reproduced the problem several times and used revo to uninstall it each time.

we're talking about south.park.s14e11.coon.2.hindsight.hdtv.xvid-fqm.avi
and the.big.bang.theory.s04e06.the.irish.pub.formulation.hdtv.xvid-fqm.avi
from torrent.zoink.it

i can't figure out how they are installing 82 registry entries for pando media booster every time i
run them - every other avi i've downloaded & run is fine. i'm using vlc v0.8.5 with internet access

the avis stall for 30 seconds before playing and hey presto 82 pmb reg entries have appeared along
with an empty pando networks folder in program files and a startup entry for comsysapp (dllhost.exe) in

it's a wierd one, i am an antivirus nerd btw, so i'd appreciate if you could keep an eye out on this
one in case you hear anything more about it.


if anyone else gets the same issue pm me and i'll tell you how to disable the dllhost entry and
remove the pando reg entries that revo leaves behind.
[#145418] Written by: imgb [01/11/2010, 20:04]
i would check your codecs - if it's happening with specific avis, there is either something else on
the system installing it at the same time, your media player is trojaned, or very likely one of the
specific codecs being used are trojaned or have been replaced with hacked versions. codecs get
executed when they are needed, and if the system is clear up until that point, i would start looking
there. getting shellcode to execute from an avi is not really an easy thing to do, and normally
results in unplayable media. codecs on the other hand can be modified and infected just like any
other executable. you could also check to make sure none of the media players you use are set to
auto-download codecs - but you did mention they had network access disabled, so it's probably not
that. the stall on playing is probably either where a bad codec is being downloaded or an existing
bad one is infecting your system. you can use "autoruns" (get it from microsoft) to inspect your
codecs and "verify" them to validate the signatures on the files. anything that seems strange,
upload to www.virustotal.com and see how many virus scanners report the file as having problems. or
use vlc to find out what codec is being used and replace it with a known good version.

hope this helps.
[#145469] Written by: rightintothebumper [02/11/2010, 13:04]
thanks for the suggestion but nothing wierd showing up under autoruns. my newest codec is 2 years
old, scans with comodo and avira have come up clean and all other avis play fine without installing
pando. the fact i can reproduce the pando install by playing the south park or bbtheory avis kind of
convinces me they are the problem. seriously, no-one else had this problem from those downloads?
[#145472] Written by: stevejno9 [02/11/2010, 13:54]
help me!! when i try to download shows from eztv i get the message-

'no connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it'

and get download speed of just 6 kb/s, so a 20 min show takes hours!!

any help would be great.
[#145485] Written by: imgb [02/11/2010, 15:29]
keep in mind that it is not hard to falsify timestamps in windows (see timestomp) and neither of
those virus scanners has a 100% detection ratio, especially with custom or encoded payloads (see
msfencode). if every codec validates (checks file signatures) through autoruns, then that is odd. i
will check the avi tonight, but i have downloaded many fqm avis and have yet to get one with any
sort of issue like this. what media player is it affecting, or has it happened on more than one player?

also - have you tried using sysinternals process monitor to see what the load order of the files and
registry entries is?
[#145496] Written by: imgb [02/11/2010, 22:06]

i have verified the mentioned torrents and avi files and am unable to reproduce the problem you are
having on any of my machines. i have scanned over and manually inspected and started them and let
them play a while on several different media players and not one has had the reported issue.

i would suggest using process monitor to see what process is doing the reinstallation, and see what
is loaded just prior to that. there is something on your system that is installing it, i can find no
evidence anywhere that the videos are to blame. and keep process explorer open with the cpu history
column displayed to see what processes get high cpu or io during the lag when you open the video.

recheck your codecs (divx and mpeg-3 particularly) your directx files and run malwarebytes and any
virus scanners again in full-system mode. if it is still coming back, head over to
http://www.antirootkit.com/ and check your system with some of those tools since anything else that
is still there might be rooted in.

hope you get it figured out.
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