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Written by: slad007 [30/06/2008, 06:22] |
====================================================== note: this post was written in 2008 and it no longer applies. (bf 2014.01.19) ====================================================== hi, you can access your favorite eztv site now also through a secure layer so nobody can peek into what you are browsing ![]() now we put some free certificate on the server as the paid ones are really expensive. to be able to access ![]() internet explorer a. installation using activex (for a single user) this won't work with windows vista! 1.go to the cacert root certificate website: ![]() 2. click on 'click here if you want to import the root certificate into microsoft internet explorer' 3. check that the certificate matches the following: fingerprints sha1: 135cec36 f49cb8e9 3b1ab270 cd808846 76ce8f33 md5: a61b375e 390d9c36 54eebd20 31461f6b 1. click on yes. b. manual installation (for a single user) if you want to install the cacert root certificate manually into internet explorer do the following: 1.go to the cacert root certificate website: ![]() 2. download the 'root certificate' and the 'intermediate certificate' (choose either der or pem format - it doesn't matter) 3. open the windows key store: view -> tools -> internet options -> content -> personal -> certificates 4. choose the trusted root certification authorities tab. 5. import the certificates you downloaded. note: this procedure only adds the cacert certificates to the current user! if you have multiple user accounts have a look at the next section. c. import into microsoft windows for multiple users if you have more than one account on your computer you don't want to install the cacert root certificate for every single user. therefore you can manually import the cacert root certificates into the local machine store. this procedure works only for microsoft programs (e.g. internet explorer and outlook), so you will also need to import the certificate into non-microsoft browsers and e-mail programs. 1.go to the cacert root certificate website: ![]() 2. download the 'root certificate' and the 'intermediate certificate' (choose either der or pem format - it doesn't matter) 3. log in as an administrator 4. click the windows start button and choose run 5. type mmc, then hit enter 6. from the new window open the file menu and choose add/remove snap-in... 7. click the add button 8. choose the certificates item from the listbox and click the add button 9. choose the computer account radio button and click the next button 10. choose the local computer radio button and click the finish button 11. click the close button 12. click the ok button 13. expand the tree to view trusted root certification authorities node 14. right click on the trusted root certification authorities 15. find the all tasks menu item then choose import off that menu and click next 16. type in, or browse to certificate you previously downloaded and click next 17. verify that the radio box labeled place all certificates in the following store is checked and that text box says trusted root certification authorities 18. click next and then finish at this point you should get a message saying the import was successful, and you can close the mmc window. firefox firefox uses it's own certificate manager. so even if your windows (and other microsoft) applications already use a root certificate firefox still might not. importing the cacert root certificate 1. go to the cacert root certificate website: ![]() 2. click on 'root certificate (pem format)' 1 3. you'll get: you have been asked to trust a new certificate authority (ca). do you want to trust "ca cert signing authority" for the following purposes? [ ] trust this ca to identify web sites. [ ] trust this ca to identify email users. [ ] trust this ca to identify software developers. before trusting this ca for any purpose, you should examine its certificate and its policy and procedures (if available). [view] examine ca certificate 4. you should click on view to check the certificate. most important is that you check the fingerprints of the certificate 2. they should match the following: sha1 fingerprint: 135c ec36 f49c b8e9 3b1a b270 cd80 8846 76ce 8f33 md5 fingerprint: a6:1b:37:5e:39:0d:9c:36:54:ee:bd:20:31:46:1f:6b 5. close the certificate viewer and tick at least the first box ('trust this ca to identify web sites.'). 6. press ok. 7. click on "class 3 pki key, intermediate certificate (pem format)" on the cacert root certificate website. 8. click the "view" button and verify the fingerprints and owner. fingerprint sha1: db:4c:42:69:07:3f:e9:c2:a3:7d:89:0a:5c:1b:18:c4:18:4e:2a:2d fingerprint md5: 73:3f:35:54:1d:44:c9:e9:5a:4a:ef:51:ad:03:06:b6 9. select all "trust this ca to ..." checkboxes and click "ok". 10. that's it installing the crl 1. click the 'revocation lists' button in tools->options->advanced->encryption to open the manage crl window. 2. once there, click the "import" button, then enter the url ![]() 3. click "ok", and set the automatic update preferences accordingly. note: it may take a few moments to import the crl after you click "ok". if you want to check, modify, or delete the cacert root certificate you can access it at any time via: 1. open edit -> preferences -> advanced or open tools -> options -> advanced 2. certificates -> manage certificates or encryption 3. authorities 4. the cacert certificate is called root ca (scroll down to 'r'!) 5. here you can view, edit and delete it. more info on other clients ![]() happy safe surfing the eztv team |
Written by: Anupam_R_K [05/12/2018, 00:58] |
@NovaKing @slad007 anyone please help. I need to verify my email, entered incorrectly when signup. I want to correct it and verify, help me out? Sent mails to [email protected] regarding this but no reply. |
Written by: kardelen [11/01/2019, 08:38] |
Is it possible to have an updated version of the how to SSL? | |||||
Written by: WilliamHickman [07/04/2022, 16:44] |
wewr | |||||