In this episode the phobias are sheep, moths and sausage dogs, again. On the surface, harmless animals. But for the patients checking into The Fear Clinic, they inspire pure terror. Eighteen-year-old Miriam has had a phobia of sheep ever since one charged at her while she was out on a walk with friends. Working in a factory 30 years ago led Dave to suffer blind panic whenever he sees a moth. After Devereaux's first treatment for his fear of sausage dogs didn't work, he undergoes a second round of therapy. Clinician Vivian must figure out why the initial treatment failed, and try to see what to do differently.
+ Episode Program Guide E P G ! !
++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ Sheep, moths and sausage dogs may sound harmless. For
+ Miriam, Dave and Devereaux they cause blind terror.
+ Can a cutting-edge Amsterdam clinic rid them of their
+ phobias?